Le talent de Jim Harrison, seul y est parvenu. Vous ne me croyez pas ? Lisez donc pour vous en convaincre ces quelques citations du Maître : “Ce qu’il y a de meilleurs dans l’homme, c’est le chien.” “Sauf erreur, je ne me trompe jamais”, “Le Sage doit garder un vice pour ses vieux jours”, “Que serait la vie sans l’imparfait du subjonctif ?”, ” Rien n’arrête le progrès, il s’arrête tout seul”. Ça y est ? Déjà accro ? Je vous avais prévenu ! Joyeux Noël !!
If there is a tradition at this time of year, it is certainly gift giving and here at le Mouching, tradition is sacred. Today our gift resembles a hit of opium, combined with caviar and stink-balls, we give you the great ALEXANDRE VIALATTE. “In bad faith” certain literary ctitics, like me, put him in the Pantheon of 20th century writers. (Look at what the Master says of “in bad faith”: Where would pleasure be without bad faith? One would have bad-mouthed excessively. Bad faith helps triumph many causes. Even the bad ones.”) I heartily recommend that you buy (or steal) the “Chronicles of the Mountain”. (Robert Laffont) In “La Montagne” (the Clermont-Ferrand newspaper), Alexandre was given carte blanche and the results are spectacles of humour, intelligence and elegance. Like any number of medals, this one has the “other side”: I list the books of Vialatte in the category of “hard drugs”. No lie, it took me 4 years before I could open books by any other writer; only the very talented Jim Harrison succeeded. You don’t believe me? Read a few phrases of the Master: “Except for errors, I’m never wrong”. “The wise man holds onto a vice for his old age”, “What would life be without the imperfect and the subjunctive? “. “Nothing can stop progress, it stops all on its own”. There you are. Already addicted? I warned you! Merry Christmas !!