J’avais déjà posté la recette de ce plat ici. Le sheera peut être un plat simple, cuit dans de l’eau sans noix, ni garnitures particuliers pour un petit déjeuner quotidien. Ou bien, ce plat peut se montrer son côté très sophistiqué quand il est cuit avec du lait au lieu de l’eau ou, quand diverses noix telles les noix de cajou, des amandes, des pistaches ou un mélange est utilisée ou quand, on ajoute des parfums plus exotiques safran, cardamome, etc. Tout dépend des ingrédients ajoutés à la recette de base ; Et les garnitures aussi – des noix hachées, ou comme moi, des feuilles d’argent. C’est beau, non ???
Je voudrais remercier Minouchka de m'avoir offert ces feuilles d'argent.

I have already posted my recipe for this dish here in French. But since by blog is now also in French, I’ll give the translation below.
Sheera can be a simple everyday breakfast dish when cooked with just water and without nuts or any particular garnish. Or else, sheera can be one very sophisticated dish either when cooked in milk, or when garnished with nuts like almonds, cashew, pistachio or a mixture, or when flavourings like saffron or cardamom are added. All depends on the ingredients added to the basic recipe; and also on the garnish – chopped nuts or like I did with some silver leaf (varak). Aren’t they beautiful???
I would like to thank Minouchka for the varak/silver leaves that she gave me.
For 6-8 persons
Ingredients :
1 cup (250ml) semolina/cream of wheat
2 tbsps ghee
½ cup (125ml) water
½ cup (125ml) milk
½ cup (125ml) sugar
½ tsp de saffron
a pinch of salt
½ cup (125ml) cashew nuts
Mix the water, milk, sugar and the saffron.
Boil and remove from the stove (this stage can be done in the microwave oven)
Heat the ghee in a wok.
Add the semolina and sat and fry till golden brown on a very flame, stirring all the time.
When the semolina is golden (and no longer tastes “raw”) around 7-10 mins, add the liquid mixture.
Stir so that no lumps form, till all moisture is absorbed.
Add nuts and stir.
Pour in a plate and let it cool.
Cover with silver paper and slice in square pieces.
Notes : One can use other flours or semolina to make this dish (ex : water chestnut flour, whole wheat, millet, etc...
One can add fruit purées at the end (ex mango, banana, etc)
One can garnish the dish with nuts (almonds, cashew, pistachio or a mixture) and dried fruits (raisins, etc).
