Ainsi, l’installation de SJitter ce résume aux lignes de commandes suivantes:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nicolargo sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude install sjitter
et voilà le travail:
sjitters -h usage: sjitters [-i] [-p PORT] -p PORT: where PORT is the port number (>1024, <65535) [default:9930] -i : Verbose mode
sjitterc -h usage: sjitterc -c SERVER [[-n NBPCKT] | [-t SECOND]] [-p PORTNB] [-w SIZE] [-b BITRAT] [-s TOS] -c SERVER: where SERVER is the server IP address or name -n NBPCKT: where NCPCKT is the number of datagram (>1 , <65535) [default:100] -t SECOND: where SECOND is the number of second (>1) [default:10] -p PORTNB: where PORTNB is the port number (>1024, <65535) [default:9930] -w SIZE: where SIZE is the application buffer size (bytes) (>128, <8000) [default:1400] -b BITRATE: where BITRATE is the bitrate (IP level) in Kbps (>10) [default:100] -s TOS: where TOS is the hexadecimal value for IP header TOS field (>=0x00, <=0xFF) [default:0]