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How high are account charges in Europe really?

Publié le 29 novembre 2009 par B3b

L’unité de recherche économique de la Deutsche Bank revient sur l’étude réalisée récemment par la Commission Européenne sur les frais bancaire. Elle y apporte un bref commentaire sur la base d’un tableau comparatif des frais relatifs par pays.

research DBThe European Commission recently published a study on bank fees in the EU. At first glance the report appears to confirm the preconception that current account costs are too high. A somewhat more detailed analysis, however, tells a different story. Unfortunately the European Commission has thus failed in its first attempt to achieve what is actually the sensible aim of creating an objective data basis for further monitoring of bank fee developments. Amendments are therefore essential, not only for when this data-gathering procedure is repeated, but even more so with regard to any measures which may be planned on the basis of this data.

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