Extrait de référence des projets réalisés dans le secteur des Télécommunications
IVC Portal, Inherit from Joomla tool and develop to portal of xxx company. CMS Joomla Service Asia
E-RESTAURANT, for customer to order dish online and payment online
Visual Studio Dot Net 2003 (ASP.NET)
and SQL Server 2000.
Sale Management, management bills import and export warehouse, payment salary for sales employee. C#, SQL SERVER 2005 Super Market Brazil
Real Estate, website introduce for Buy House, House for Rent…., C#, SQL SERVER & PHP, MYSQL Real Estate France
Center me, Interact with Google map, user choose a position at map.System can find ATM, BANK.. Around the world Drupal / Windows, Linux
Marketing, advert product, Interact with mobile, user can get coupon of merchants by mobile. Typo3 / Windows, Linux
Agoocausedev, Introduction of Shop and Organisation and translated into 7 language Mambo/Linux e-commerce Denmark
Givblod, The website e-commerce Joomla / Linux e-commerce Denmark
Fimexco website, Build website for e-commerce, security system, optimize database system ASP.Net, SQL Server E-commerce Viet Nam
RCBT, Rental Car and book tour online Ejb, struts,jsp/MS SQL2005 Commercial USA
PeachJohn System, manage back end of system and some transaction
(shopping online via mobile).
JAVA,jsp,servlet,Oracle/ Windows, Linux
Airways online ticket, Business online that's booking ticket for customers, Managing for Seller
and making flight schedule for Administrator
C# / Wed
Air lines
Multimedia Sharing, Website allow user share, view music,image for another user Java, Oracle database / Windows Media USA
iGrasp, professional e-recruitment system of xxxx Company
ASP, ASP.NET, C#, Java Script, VB Script,
SQL Server 2005
Auction Website, system that allows suppliers (referred to here as sellers) to use the Web to describe and
put items or services on auction so multiple buyers can place competing offers (or bids) to purchase
these items or services..
Sporting Event, The Sporting Events Application comprises a rich, web-based interface to a repository
of information about a collection of sporting events of several disparate types. It provides for entering
event details such as location Worldwide, dates, prizes, personnel, participants, and results, and it keeps
historical records of individual competitors and teams.
RichFaces, Java Persistence
API (JPA), Oracle
Fujitsu, Access Japanese of horse-race information C++/CNI, Access, Xml Commercial Japan
Union – Car scanning system Java, JSP.C++ Commercial USA