Anthony Toth, passioné par le compagnie américaine Pan Am, a recréé dans son garage la cabine première classe d’un 747 de l’époque.
Tout les détails ont bien sûr été respectés. Du plateau repas à la moquette rouge, en passant par les sièges et les compartiments bagages qui sont authentiques.
Il indique pour les intéressés que le budget d’une telle réalisation s’élève à 50000 dollars.
Mais que fait il une fois que c’est fini ? Il dort dedans ? Il y invite des amis ? Il casse tout et recommence ?
Mr. Toth’s obsession with Pan Am began in the 1970s when he was growing up in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, about 45 minutes from Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. Every summer, he and his family traveled to see relatives in Rome and Budapest, where his parents were from, usually flying in Pan Am’s coach class. “There was no other aircraft I could walk on board that intrigued me more than the Pan Am cabin,” he says. “Everything symbolized something. That meant something to me as a youngster.”
As a child, Mr. Toth would save items that most passengers considered to be trash, such as cardboard coasters and paper tray linings from coach meal services. On every flight, he would carry a camera and shoot three or four rolls of film documenting the aircraft’s interior. He lugged a boxy tape recorder to capture in-flight audio by cranking the dial on his armrest up to level 12 and placing the microphone to the earphones so he could listen to the airline’s music selection back home.