Interview + Concours - Présentation de Rosie Staf + Un exemplaire de The Little Orchestra à gagner !

Publié le 16 octobre 2009 par Saab190780

The Interview
J'ai choisi de garder l'anglais mais pour ceux qui ne comprennent pas bien l'anglais, vous pouvez traduire l'interview à l'aide Reverso (c'est de loin ce qui se fait de mieux en matière de traduction gratuite).
1) Rosie, could you introduce yourself to my readers ?
Well...I'm a swedish singer and songwriter. My debut album "the little orchestra"was released in Scandinavia this spring.
2) Could you describe you musical career (studies, gigs, musical meetings) and how did you find your current musical style ?
I studied music for four years. I started off with singing jazz and continued with studying classical composition. It gave me the tools to compose my music, but as far as musical style goes, I think my education was perhaps more confusing than developing. I find that the more time that passes since I quit school, the more I go back to the musical ideals I had before I started my education.
3) Which artists inspire you and what do you listen to today ?
I’m inspired by a lot of old music, like Joni Mitchell and Bob Dylan, but I try to keep up to date by listening to other artists of my generation. Right now I listen to Laura Marling, Feist and José Gonzalez, among others. I would love to be really up to date and always know about new artists and their music, but unfortunately it’s impossible to always keep your ears open when you’re in a creative mode yourself.
4) I saw you wrote, arranged and produced all the compositions of your first album Little Orchestra ? How long have you known you wanted to be a musician and was the release of this first album a long process?
I think I have known for a long time, but I guess I didn’t know how and where to start. By making this album I have learned more than I could have learned in any classroom about the music industry and the ways of working as a musician. It has been a longer process than if I had left some of the processes in the hands of others. This way I had to learn about every part of the process, which of course took longer… Just making the cover took a few months! But then I also started my own record label, decided what to call the album, created a graphic profile, started a website and registered the album for release during that same period… So, yes it was a long process. But I learned a lot!
5) You created a band of six musicians for your album rightfully titled Little Orchestra but in current life which instrument(s) do you play?
I don’t really play any instrument very well, which is why I learned to write for others! Haha. The only instrument I really know how to use is my voice. But when I compose I often use either the pianoor the guitar. Hopefully someday I will be brave enough to play the guitar and the piano on stage…
6)Your music is personal and intimate. What are your inspirations ?
I'm inspired by a lot of things. Mostly I reflect upon things I see in my surroundings, things that affect me in one way or another. Sometimes it’s directly from my own life, but it could also be about something I heard on the news. Like in the song Wintery March*.
7) What are you thinking about the emerge of scandinavian talented artists like Ane Brun, Anna Ternheim, Nina Kinert, Jenny Wilson, Frida Hyvönen, Rebekka Karijord, Sofia Talvik, etc. who are meeting more and more success in the United States and Southern Europe? Does it make it easier spreading your music among a more receptive audience?
I think it’s a great inspiration that we have so many wonderful musicians in Sweden. I’m not sure whether it makes it easier for me to spread my music, but I have understood that there is a great interest in Swedish music abroad, which surely can’t be a bad thing…
8) Do you prefer studio recording or play in live ? Could you explain the difference for you ?
I definately prefer playing live, studio recording is a lot about technology and everything takes a lot longer than you can ever imagine before you start. Playing live is all about the present and what happens there and then, the atmosphere that you create along with the audience.
9) You played next to other swedish and norwegian artists in festival de musique suédoise ÅÄO! a few weeks ago in Paris, how did you like that experience ?
I loved it! We had a very nice stay in Paris, and got to meet a lot of people during the festival, which was nice. The audience was great, the atmosphere was great. I had a blast!
10) What are your plans for the future ? A tour, new ideas for a future album ?
Right now I'm very inspired to start on my next album. I already have thoughts on how I want it to sound. In fact, I have started some recordingsin my tiny studio in the livingroom. But at the same time, the interest for"the little orchestra" in other countries is awakening so...we'll see what happens. I wouldn't mind going on tour either!
* the song Wintery March is about sudden snowfall in springtime which caused several accidents.

A gagner : un exemplaire de The Little Orchestra de Rosie Staf

J'ai réussi à trouver un exemplaire pour vous, quelques mots motivant votre envie de gagner ce bijou de musique à mon adresse et le hasard fera son oeuvre parmi tous les participants. Le concours se clôturera le 31 octobre 2009. Avis aux amateurs de bonne musique.

P.S. : n'oubliez, pas de laisser quelques commentaires pour donner vos impressions sur l'album, l'interview et le concours.