WW2 Time of Wrath : patch 1.6

Publié le 07 octobre 2009 par Cyberstratege

Matrix et Wastelands viennent de sortir une « méga » mise à jour pour WW2 Time of Wrath. Ce patch comporte près de 200 corrections et ajustements, allant de l’interface au gameplay, en passant par l’IA, les scénarios ou les évènements historiques. Voyez ci-après pour une liste complète des modifications. Vous trouverez le fichier sur cette page du site de l’éditeur.


• Fixes
o Corrected Vittorio Veneto class from Patrol to Battle group in Commissioning Vittorio Veneto event (13048)
o Corrected game lock when calculating Warfare level information
o In Barbarossa scenario, Finland and USSR starting in the state of war
o Corrected hex stripes in British Surrender event (951 and 952)
o Corrected continuously firing event 34. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division Landstorm Nederland (11124)
o Corrected Kiev Defensive Operations events (357 and 358)
o Corrected event Friend or Foe for Turkey, when it was joining Allies instead of Axis (3202)
o Corrected event with Hamburg switch to port/MSS (16215 and 16216)
o Corrected Bad deal event, when Germans propose the British a peace instead of becoming a puppet (952)
o Corrected War against Axis event, now USA joins Allies (5311)
o Corrected Free Ukraine event (5901)
o Corrected CTD bug, when a land unit was trying to load on to non transport ship
o Corrected Mulberry lack of Supply bug
o Corrected CTD bug when AI was transporting units to the front through sea
o Corrected Pearl Harbor event, now USA will join Allies (5311)
o Corrected option 2 effect for Italy enter the war event (2101) as it was setting flag for France is beaten event
o When full screen mode is minimized, lag during typing decreased
o Corrected « black holes » bug in classic mode map
o Corrected lack of eye candies bug in classic map
o Shieffield misspelling corrected to Sheffield
o Corrected flag for event 362 in Gotterdammerung campaign
o Corrected AI Spain research plan 1946 event (10238)
o Corrected Molotov Line event (9567)
o Corrected bug when unit that retreats to hex owned by ally and controlled by enemy, claimed it
o Corrected undo bug
o Corrected typos in events
o Expanded descriptions of some events
o Hex 115|67 not coastal anymore
o Corrected creation of Lebanon event, now England must control larger chunk of country (929)
o Controlled Take over Crete event, now Axis must controls Athens to take over Crete (223)
o Corrected events for Soviet Union causing Axis troops to freeze.

• Events
o Changed name and description of Submarine Warfare event (285)
o El Alamein events added (990, 991)
o Added German reserves units events (8801-8837)
o Lille lost – support event added (1615)
o Changed chance of triggering Iraq at war event (3601) and reduced unit’s strength to 10%
o Soviet Garrison units occurs in Lviv, Brest on the Bug and Hrodna if R-M pact accepted
o Spoils of war events added (1102, 2603 and 2703)
o Added Bolshevik’s industrialization event (366 and 367)
o Added Defending the Reich event (15221 and 15222)
o Last Bastion of Democracy event added (5353)
o Increased by 1 level of fortifications build in Defense of Moscow event (350 and 351)
o Effect of Bitter Defense and Upcoming Glory events doubled (363 and 364)
o Effect of Onward to Pacific and Severe Russia events doubled (15219 and 15220)
o Added Italy joins Axis event (2128)
o Added French AI become aggressive event (1616)
o Soviet Paratroopers event added (368)
o Added event Mobilization of Caucasian Front (369)
o Added Support for British defense of homeland event (992)
o Initial German attack on Soviet Union events changed, now Soviet player is informed what happened (362, 370, 371)
o Added Malta convoys events (2129, 15223)
o Added Moscow rugged defense event (372)
o Added Istanbul lost and retaken events for European part of the city (16251 and 16252)
o Added Unfreeze Turkish garrison event (3208)
o Added new condition that requires Spain to sign Tripartiate act before willing to join war (1502)
o Food from Norway events added (15224 and 15225)
o Narvik Iron Ore events added (15226-15229)
o Added new trigger to Allied invasion adaptation event (7705)
o Finns defend event added (7749)
o Added Defend the Island events (14180 and 14181)
o Added Turkish-Soviet war events (2504,2505,3209,15230 and 15231)
o Added Heersgruppe E event (15232)
o Added Heeresgruppe Sud event (15233)
o Added Heersgruppe F event (15234)
o Unternehmen Frühlingserwachen event added (15235)
o Operation Konrad event added (15236)
o Schlacht um Wien event added (15237)
o Wacht am Rhein event added (15238)
o Freeze length for soviet Garrison events increased to unlimited
o Some events will now grant DP for Germany
o UK cities added to Home Guard event as a check for defense in case of invasion (921)
o Added Unfreezing Western Forces events (15239-15246)
o Added Hungarian reinforcements events (2704-2706)
o Added Romanian reinforcements events (2604-2606)

• AI
o German AI more willing to buy infantry divisions
o Soviet AI will defend Brest on the Bug
o Changed French AI attack preferences in Grand Campaign
o AI will now use strategic bombers more properly
o AI will attack enemy air units more properly
o German AI will prepare to attack Scandinavia and Benelux even if Poland will be beaten after spring 1940

• Interface
o Land Unit strength displayed on map now rounded
o Reports are now displayed in descending order
o Possibility to check countries info when loading game
o Possibility to change countries control when loading game
o Now Air strike is executed from active air unit’s menu
o Range displayed After selecting rebase for air unit
o Changed displayed colors of land units movement range: green – unit can move after attack, orange – unit will not be able to move after attack, red – unit not able to do anything
o When there is no units to deploy, button is grayed
o Land unit is now displayed when attacked by air unit in AI turn
o Unit name is now aligned to the left side of the GUI
o ‘AP’ letter removed when unit AP left showed on map
o Small changes in detecting screen resolution (first game launch might fire up the game with different resolution)
o Improved cities display, cities gained appearance file to set what data should be visible)
o End Turn confirmation pop-up now can be set in preferences screen
o Improved Purchase screen
o Sea Zones now lightened up if own navy exists
o Big blue blinking dot can be turned on/off
o New icon for frozen units
o Action points and units strength are now separate entities and can be modded separately
o City type icons add
o Images added to scenario start screen
o City VP visible on map
o City PP visible on map
o Changed cursor
o Border display and ownership display settings are now saved
o Side unit’s dots can be turned on/off
o Combat box popup no longer covering attacked unit

• Map
o Gliwitz changed to city
o Dunkirk city added at 96|88
o Reims changed to city
o Lille and Reims now worth 1 VP
o Groningen city added at 107|77
o Sarajevo now worth 1 VP in all campaigns
o Added 1 VP for Batum, Erevan, Minsk, Pskov and Vinnytsia in all campaigns
o Added forts in Turkish Dardanelle in Gotterdammerung 1944 campaign
o Changes in the terrain at Netherland-German border
o Changes in the terrain near Murmansk
o Changes in the terrain near Dunkirk
o Petsamo moved from USSR to Finland in 1940 and 1941 campaigns
o Increased chance for rain and mud in Soviet Union for autumn an spring
o Forts at Suez Canal added in all campaigns
o Sheffield, Leeds, Coventry, Blackburn changed to cities
o Liverpool added as a port at 78|78 with 2VP
o Orleans, Le Mans, Pau, Perpignan cities added in France at 93|104, 85|102, 84|121, 98|123
o Added Istanbul at the European side of Bosporus at hex 179|129
o Added cities Tartu at 164|51, Ventspils at 149|57, Klaipeda at 148|65, Debrecen at 156|101 and Iasi at 169|103
o Some more hills in Vosges, Ardennes and Schwarzwald.
o Some forest added in Vorpommern and east Brandenburgia.
o Set the same terrain type for 138|141 hex in all scenarios.
o Amphibious assault at Gibraltar is possible now.
o Less forest in southern Sweden.