I'd like you to meet my boyfriend.
He does look relax on this picture.
Juste got back from a hard days at work,
under the hot sun.
He always has a beautiful smile!
Don't we make a nice couple?
23 years together and still going!
We don't have the occasion to be together
as often as I would like too.
But I appreciate these moments together.
This is Moi (me). All happy to have my bf
with me on this beautiful sunny day!
We had a drink, then we had a nice rib steak
on the Bar B-Q. We also danced to good music,
had a swim. It was great!
In the early evening, we sat in front of this fire.
I like this fireplace, cause it's mobile.
This is an night vision of my back yard.
Well, with the flash of the camera,
it doesn't give it's true effet.
I love the color of the water in my pool. I turn a blue light on from my shed. The water is crystal clear. It's nice to have a swim on hot summer nights, not as often as I'd like too!
How was your week? Hope you had a nice week-end!