Magazine Culture

Kool Kiss #25 : The Amplifetes

Publié le 16 septembre 2009 par Etienne Martin
Kool Kiss #25 : The Amplifetes

Les quatre suédois de the Amplifietes nous balancent une pop péchu a mi chemin entre Yuksek et Sébastien Telier (surtout pour la barbe). Comme souvent quand ça vient du nord, on aime ça ! Kool Kiss

Can you present yourself quickly ?
One came in a golden chariot, rising across the blazing skies. One surfaced, carried through the waters by the leviathan of the oceans depths. One came walking triumphantly through the burning cold of a desert night. One came hurriedly, leaping from mountain to mountain through the walls of another time. This is the arrival of The Amplifetes. It has begun.
NDLR : le réveil sonne
We are The Amplifetes and we come from Stockholm/Gothenburg, Sweden. Me myself, I´m called Peter and I handle the singing in the band. Though having met before, during the course of our diverse musical careers, we have existed as a unit for about a year. The mission we set up for ourselves was to electrofy Garage Rock but also to Garage up Electro a bit and present it all within a Pop format. We wanted to see what it would sound like to break down all our influences into little pieces, let them talk to each other for a while and see what they would come up with. Oh, and world domination, not forgetting.
Kool Kiss #25 : The Amplifetes

What are your influences ?
Our influences start somewhere around the 60s Psychadelia of Roy Wood and Velvet Underground, spiral through the 70s brilliance of The Electric Light Orchestra and The Ramones, via early Elvis Costello - New Wave and the different shapes of David Bowie straight into Chicago House, with a little Paul Hardcastle on top. The keywords here are intelligence, heart and guts.
Kool ?
Because ++ you++ think we are.
Kiss ?
The sun and the trees are what makes us all tick. They provide us with all the oxygen and vitamin-D we need, gives us an enormous wealth of walks, energy, books, tans and general senses of feel-good. It really makes me happy just to think about it all. And family, good food and sneakers are always on top of the Love List. Without these, it would be impossible to make it through the day with your Love intact. Also, people would stare with repulsion at your naked feet.

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