Order of War : bonus pour le précommandes

Publié le 15 septembre 2009 par Cyberstratege

Si vous précommandez Order of War sur Steam, vous pourrez avoir accès à deux unités d’artillerie (hors-carte) uniques, une dans la campagne US, une autre dans la campagne allemande (cf. détails ci-après). Il vous reste jusqu’au 18 septembre pour profiter de cette offre spéciale.


Campaign One – U.S Artillery: M115 203mm howitzer
The M115 203 mm howitzer, also known as the M115 8 inch howitzer, was a towed howitzer used by the United States Army. Originally designated the 8 inch Howitzer M1, it was designed during the buildup to World War II as a counterpart to the German 17 cm K 18 gun. The M115 could be towed by the M35 Prime Mover gun tractor or a large truck.

Campaign Two – German Artillery: 17 cm Kanone 18
The 17 cm Kanone 18 in Mörserlafette (German: Heavy Howitzer Carriage) (17 cm K 18 in MrsLaf) was a German heavy gun used in the Second World War. It was intended to be employed at the Corps level in order to provide very long-range counterbattery support. Although it was technically an excellent weapon, it was expensive and difficult to maneuver, many were lost when their crew had either to abandon them or to risk capture by advancing allied troops.