Voici le JT d'Intelli'N TV sur l'actualité des logiciels libres et de l'open source.
Au programme:
- Le rapport de la Linux Foundation sur le développement du noyau Linux,
- Zend Cloud Plateforme,
- Les RMLL 2009,
- L'évènement CO-LAB,
- L'Open World Forum.
En fin de JT, nous vous offrons l'occasion de contribuer à nos contenus en nous proposant vos questions pour les participants à l'OWF 2009 (Voir liste en dessous des vidéos).
Linux, Zend, Open World Forum, JTsur l' open source et les logiciels libres
Voici ce JT en version sous-titré.
Linux, Zend, Open World Forum, JTsur l' open source
Ce JT est en CC BY SA
Liste des intervenants à interviewer dans le cadre de l'OWF 2009:
- Jacques Attali
- Michael Tiemann (Chairman of OSI and VP of Red Hat)
- Jim Zemlin (Executive Director of the Linux Foundation)
- Mike Milinkovich (Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation)
- Sander Striker (President of the Apache Software Foundation 2005-2007),
- James Bessen (Director of
- Chris Hoffmann (Director of Engineering and Special Projects at the Mozilla Foundation)
- Cedric Thomas (CEO of the OW2 consortium)
- Mark Shuttleworth (founder of Ubuntu )
- Andrew Aitken (founder of the Open Source Think Tank)
- Matthew Aslett (Analyst at The 451 Group)
- Nick Halsey, VP Marketing chez Jaspersoft
- TomCahill, Directeur Europe, Jaspersoft
- Dominique Vernay, Chairman, System@TIC and Henri Verdier, Chairman, Cap Digital
- Roger Burkhardt, President and CEO, Ingres
- Bob Sutor, Vice President, Open Source and Linux, IBM Software Group
- Jan Ziesing, Fraunhofer Fokus, FLOSS Competence Centers Summit Coordinator
- Jean-Pierre Laisne, Former President of the Open World Forum (2008 Edition), Coordinator of the Qualipso Competence Centers initiative, Open Source Strategist, Bull
- Sylvie Chauvin, President, Markess International
- Justin Ziegler, CIO, Price Minister
- Stephen Chraibi, Director of IT Strategy, AVIVA
- Vincent Rozenberg, CIO, Media Regies Europe (MediaVision)
- Nicolas Tissot, CIO, Ile de France Public Authority
- Alexis Moussine - Pouchkine, Java Technology Expert, Sun Microsystems
- Louis Montagne, CEO, Bearstech, Representative of Cap Digital and Silicon Sentier
- Dominique Piotet, Head of US Office, Atelier BPN Paribas
- Chris Hoffman, CTO Mozilla,
- Patrick Chanezon, Evangelist, Google
- Bruno Pinna, Director of Strategy, Bull
- Simon Phipps, Chief Open Source Officer, Sun-
- Philippe Langlois, TMP Lab / OLPC
- Jeremie Zimmerman, La Quadrature du Net
A bientôt, Jonathan