Découvrez la playlist Hail Caesar! An Iggy Pop Trip avec Iggy Pop
Artiste : Iggy Pop
Album : American Caesar (Faut bien justifier son titre d'album, non?)
Année : 1993
Concept : Un morceau trippant et antique de l'iguane.
La réaction de Shauni81 :
Iggy Pop, l'Iguane, prophète du punk, excentrique musical, qui a joué chez Jim Jarmusch (OUI, ON Y REVIENT TOUJOURS!!), délirant homme au torse nu ... bref, ce gars-là a une certaine classe et un moelleux auditif depuis 1969!

"Parental Warning : This is an Iggy Pop Album" avertit la pochette. Mais penchons nous plus particulièrement sur ce morceau bizarre.
Emmené par un riff guitarreux distordu, Iggy, magistral et impérial (C'est le cas de le dire!) déclame avec un écho un discours romanesque (jeu de mots) et donne ses ordres. Il rit même. Et il prend des voix différentes. Et il imite Bela Lugosi. Mieux que Laspalès dans "Ma femme s'appelle Maurice" ... mais je m'égare.

Car ce morceau est très très très très très très différent de morceaux comme "I wanna be your dog", "Lust For Life" et autres "Louie, Louie", c'est quasiment expérimental, entre fantaisie et délire psychédélique à la Barrett.
Alors, jetterons-nous tout le monde aux lions?
Absurde, distordu et tordu, Caesar est un morceau d'Iggy Pop très peu commun et largement foutraque. Génial aussi. Impérial surtout! (Histoire de finir sur une chute un tant soit peu marrante quoique répétitive.)

People of america!
I bring you a great army
To preserve peace
In our empire
Throw them to the lions
Darling, let us go to the banouet hall...
There will be a great feast tonight!
Who are these christians?
What is this strange religion?
I' ve heard it said they turn the other cheek
Ha ha ha ha
Throw them to the lions
Throw them to the lions
Throw them to the lions
Thumbs down
10 pieces of gold for every man
Hail caesar Hail caesar
Grapes from sicily
Silks from asia minor
All the tea in china
Throw them to the lions
Throw them to the lions
Throw them to the lions
Who are these christians?
Turn the other cheek...
Ha ha ha ha ha
Two thumbs down
The christians are restless
Why not let them worship their god?
No one believes in the old gods
How tiresome...attending the rituals
Paying lip service to the portents
Burning incense at their shrine
No one believes in the old gods
Throw them to the lions
Throw them to the lions
Throw them to the lions
The roman empire the glory of rome
Hail all hail
Caesar...caesar...beware beware the ides of march
Who is this man?
Caesar...he is but a soothsayer...he is old
And his brain is addled... pay him no mind!
Throw him to the lions! ha ha ha ha ha ha
Hail caesar! Emperor of rome, Hail caesar!
Caesar...caesar...beware the ides of march
Eh? ! who is this man?
Caesar...he is but an old soothsayer...addled in his brain
Pay him no mind
Throw him to the lions! ha ha ha ha
Throw him to the lions!
No one believes in the old gods...
The empire is tired...caesar will rest now.
We depart for my chambers
Come darling
"Yes caesar"
Caesar will rest now
Hail rome hail caesar hail
Put him in the fiery pit
Ha ha ha ha!