1er congrès international sur les Web Studies

Publié le 13 juillet 2009 par Arthurdev

Du 3 au 5 mars 2010, aura lieu à Toluca, au Mexique, le premier congrès international sur les Web Studies.

Extrait de l’appel à communications : « The Web may be conceived as an expansive object, an extended space that reaches nearly every domain of life and concerns many different scientific disciplines. This space can be described according to data structures, visual surfaces, algorithmic processes, cultural uses, means and venue for artistic expressions and site of human-computer interaction. While some of these categories correspond to the specific interests and demands of certain fields of inquiry, they also have a practical dimension that goes beyond the confines of academic disciplines and implies the crossing of very different perspectives. One of the most interesting questions is indeed the way in which practices of production and use influence and re/shape each other as well as the tools and media themselves. »

Dans le comité scientifique de cet événement, on retrouve Dana Diminescu, directrice du programme de recherche « TIC – Migrations » à la Fondation de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Paris.

Pour en savoir plus : http://webstudies.info