Magazine Culture

Ysabel's Table Dance

Publié le 05 juillet 2009 par Damien Besançon
Ysabel's Table DanceDes castagnettes, une contrebasse entétante, la voix rauque et sensuelle de Lonnie Elder, le climat est étouffant : nous sommes dans un bar à strip tease de Tijuana. Jamais la tension / détente du jazz ne fut si délibérement érotique, indécente.

"Ysabel’s Table Dance sums up all we could buy in Tijuana. It includes the farout strip tease – spots in the music played by the piano represent the scantily clad woman spinning from table to table, reaching her hand out for tips, bills, or what-have-you. This composition, I believe, contains the fire, the pulse, and all that I felt as I heard the tune in my head with the movement of her body. It’s the last piece ; then I return to my true self and it’s all over but the music. "
Charles Mingus
Ysabel's Table Dance
Charles Mingus (contrebasse), Lonnie Elder (voix), Ysabel Morel (castagnettes), Clarence Shaw (trompette), Jimmy Knepper (trombone), Curtis Porter (saxophone alto), Bill Triglia (piano), Dannie Richmond (batterie), Frank Dunlop (percussions)
Tijuana Moods - RCA/Victor - 1962

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