Dinube : Mobile-enabled cloud transactions

Publié le 27 juin 2009 par Denisvacher
Dinube a une approche originale : transformer les marchands en banque. Ils ont remporté un challenge d'entrepreneurs et opèrent sur le marché test du Mexique. L'idée est de déposer de l'argent chez un marchand et vous payez par sms chez les autres. La promesse est forte vis-à-vis du marchand : au lieu de payer des commissions cartes, il obtient des revenus de ces transactions et dépôt.
"The company has plans to remove bank cards from financial transactions by connecting customers directly with retailers through their cell phones. “By turning upside-down existing payment systems, we are able to generate revenues for the merchants as opposed to charging them like other credit cards or debit cards,” Hayes said.
A user would sign up for the service through one of Dinube’s retail partners and deposit $50 or $100 with the retailer. To make a purchase, they would send a text message through Dinube’s platform, which would deduct the amount, plus a small fee. Once Dinube has a pool of retailers, users would be able to make a purchase at any of them using the same deposits, Hayes said."

Dinube launches payment tech for cell phones