Les présentations de l'OAI6 sont disponibles ici.
A noter:
- In-depth overview of the OAI-ORE specifications
- Intellectual property rights | pdf | ppt
- What can Repositories learn from web 2.0? | pdf | voir aussi
- OAI-ORE/Compound Objets
- Mandates and preservation
- Economic implications of alternative publishing models: Self-archiving and repositories
- Mandates: an Australian example at the Queensland University of Technology
- Example 3 : Alliance for Permanent Access
- The Preservation Planning Workflow: From institutional requirements via experimental evidence to accountable preservation plans
- Use and re-use
- Copyright: perspectives from the repository coalface
- Alternative routes to the reuse of copyrighted journal content
- Adding value to scholarly communications through text mining
- Data deposition as a measure to prevent and to detect scientific misconduct
- Embedding
- Embedding into the work environment of a researcher or research group: the library on the move
- UK about embedding into the learning environment: JORUM
- Giving researchers what they want: SPIRES, High-energy physics and subject repositories
- The future of scholarly communication: Enhanced Publications
- OA Repositories and Research Management Systems
- OAI technology for the Virtual Research Environment (VRE)
- Speculations on the future of Open Access and Scientific Publications
- Access Data Mining: A new foundation for Added-value services in full text repositories
- Scanning and addition of older items
- Community building
- How to engage authors into an open bibliography initiative, the RePEc Author Service
- The ResearcherID Project: Unlocking Scholarly Identity to Support Research Communities
- Author Identification in the Bibliographic Knowledge Network
- Quality assurance
- Studying scientific activity from large-scale usage data
- Open peer review and interactive open access publishing: the effectiveness of transparency and self-regulation in scientific quality assurance