Magazine Culture

Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir

Publié le 24 juin 2009 par Mangemonblog

Veritas Spiriti - Check them

On parle souvent du cancer du sein, et de l’importance de sensibiliser les femmes à effectuer du dépistage préventif à ce niveau. Cette campagne publicitaire pour Veritas Spiriti encourage cette fois les hommes à demeurer vigilants quant à leurs bijoux de famille.

Voici un résumé de la stratégie créative derrière la campagne “Check them”:

Scaring men with statistics was not the way to deliver the message. We wanted to do it in an unusual and funny way. We decided to give men a HAND! A HAND (promotional material) was offered to men on the all places they usually go: stadiums, gyms, barber shops, car wash, snooker rooms, sport betting places and in dressing rooms in shops. In Macedonian slang, testicles are also known as EGGS. We’ve stamped the message on the eggs, sold at the local markets, using them as another media channel. All the materials were supported by an official web site (proverigi = check them) containing more information about the testicular cancer. Internet banners, leading to our web site, were placed on the most visited web sites in Macedonia.


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