Piece of cake

Par Mathildescuisine

Watching a chef cooking a marvellous recipe on TV always seems to be easy as pie; something that anybody should be able to reproduce at home.
Everything always seems to work perfectly from A to Z. You haven’t had the time to finish your drink that the chef has already pulled up a sophisticated 3-course menu.

But once back in the kitchen with your mind set to recreate the fantastic menu and impress your invitees, the reality appears to be slightly different.
For an unknown reason that only a divine force should be able to explain, the onions have decided to burn, the sauce is in a liquid mood and the meat doesn’t seem to enjoy its new special treatment.
The atmosphere is getting stormy and anyone who dares step into the kitchen to check if everything is under control is taking a huge risk.

Cooking, a piece of cake? Well, that depends …
The one most important thing in any cooking experience, no matter how simple or insurmountably difficult, is to have fun! And enjoy a piece of cake!

Red pepper and basil cake
250g of flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
10 cl of milk
5 eggs
150g of melted butter
2 tablespoons of mustard
2 red peppers
10 sundried tomatoes, chopped
70g of grated Parmesan
A handful of fresh basil
1 tablespoon of olive oil

Place the peppers in the oven at 200° C/ gas 6 for 30 mn.
Peel the skin off and chop the pepper into thin slices.
Bring the oven down to 180° C/gas 5 for the cake.
In a bowl, mix the eggs, add the milk, the olive oil, the flour, the baking powder and stir well.
Melt your butter in a microwave.
Then, add the butter, the mustard, the parmesan, the sundried tomatoes and the basil.
Season with salt and pepper.
Pour in a cake form
Place in the oven for an hour.

Posted in A little effort, Dinner, Lunch, Up to 1 hour Tagged: English