Comparatif de 5 HD4890

Publié le 05 juin 2009 par Yannou788
Image des HD4890 de chez ATI par Boss GameHardware Canucks nous propose un comparatif entre 5 Radeon HD 4890. Du dure.
Ce test regroupe 5 Radeon HD 4890 tous gravée en 55 nm avec des fréquences variant de 850Mhz à 1000Mhz pour le GPU et 3900Mhz à 4200Mhz pour la mémoire, qui au passage est pour tous a 1GB DDR5. Un test que je qualifierais de très intéressant.
Extrait :
Since the days of the first Intel Pentium chip, ATI and Nvidia have been battling it out in the trenches of discrete graphics card market. However, it seemed that the summer of 2007 would be the beginning of the end for ATI. They had just released their thoroughly underwhelming, power sucking HD 2900 XT that just couldn’t keep up with Nvidia’s GeForce 8800-series and there was literally no help in sight. Under the tutelage of AMD, things have turned around for the better and what was once a David versus Goliath fight has now turned into a Rumble in the Jungle, Ali versus Foreman slugfest. Even though ATI is now matching Nvidia blow for blow, can the perennial underdog stage an upset win? They’re certainly trying.

Accédé au test des 5 Radeon HD 4890.