Enseignement supérieur (28/05/09)

Publié le 28 mai 2009 par Pintini

(source: BiblioFusion, 22/05/09)

  • [livre] Transformative Learning Support Models in Higher Education: Educating the Whole Student

(source: ouvrage édité par Margaret Weaver, Londres: Facet, 2008 / The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 15/05/09 / sur abonnement)

  • Economie de l'attention et université

(source: B-n de J-M. Salaün, 27/05/09)

  • The Mystery of Faculty Priorities

"Does it make economic and public policy sense for professors to spend more time on research? Two scholars review the evidence and find more theories than answers."

(source: Inside Higher Ed, 28/05/09)