Magazine High tech

Test de la HD 4890 Atomic

Publié le 27 mai 2009 par Yannou788

Test de la HD 4890 AtomicLe test de la toute nouvelle HD 4890 Atomic fait par Bit Tech.
Bit Tech a tester pour nous la Radeon HD 4890 Atomic de chez Sapphire. Avec un refroidissement en vapor-X. Le GPU est cadencé à 1 Ghz, la mémoire qui possède 1GB GDDR5 est cadencé à 1,050MHz.
Extrait :

In the continuing war of words and technical specifications between ATI and Nvidia, both companies are always on the lookout for the latest milestone to pass to earn bragging rights. Be it the first to release a WHQL certified Windows 7 driver (ATI, although Nvidia soon caught up), the first to support on physics acceleration on the GPU (Nvidia, although ATI is catching up) or the first card to be able to deliver playable frame rates in Crysis at very high detail settings at 2,560 x 1,600 (still waiting on that one guys) the culture of one-up-manship between the two companies is embedded as deep as the online rivalry between pirates and ninjas.

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