"Hooligans" together with Example is Don Diablo first official single in the UK from his forthcoming album ! Kool Kiss !
Who are you ?
I am Don Diablo, a musically obsessed Amsterdam based producer/dj/hermit who missed his opportunity to become a semi pro racecar driver and is still known for his streaking activities from several years ago.
What are your influences?
Life, my friends, my enemies, movies like La Meglio Gioventu and The Sea Inside and musicians like Prince, Frank Zappa, Queen, Ryuichi Sakamoto and Johnny Cash.
Kool ?
Why am I cool? Because I never try to be cool, either you are naturally cool, like Steve McQueen, or you are just a fool trying to be cool which in the end does deserve some credit for trying.
Kiss ?
I love to create things that did not excist prior to my efforts. I try to love outside my obsession for music but it is a battle that seems to get harder every day. The voices in my head tell me to keep on going. I do hope to find peace within myself one day so I will be able to live together with that one special female that makes me feel like a stuttering teenager all over again.
Don Diablo and Example - Hooligans (Extended Mix)