TVnima – Become a 3D TV Show Director

Publié le 14 mai 2009 par Clement Donzel

TVnima is an online application that allows anyone to create a TV news program using their personal media (photos, images, videos) in Real-time 3D.

It starts with the creation of your 3D photorealistic avatar by importing two of your profile pictures.
Once this step is done, you will be able to customized clothes and accessories, and then start the actual direction of the show by customizing stages, camera angles (25 cameras available!), avatar movements and more!

The application includes Text to Speech technology, which transforms text into audio, or let you upload your own-recorded voice (via mp3).

And as the saying coming from the old Chinese proverb says, a picture is worth thousand words, and video a thousand pictures, so check this out:

The application is still in beta and requires invitations. So, if you want to give it a try, drop us a comment below and I will send you an invitation to use the service. – I have 10 available for now. And if you want to share your creation, send me the link and I will publish it on the blog.

Btw, do you believe this kind of virtual reality could become a part of our everyday lives?

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