Magazine Culture

Phrench Phries Podcast vol.05 - Thieve Like Us

Publié le 25 avril 2009 par
php05thieveslikeusApparut il y a 3-4 ans sur les compils Kitsuné, Thieves Like Us s’empare du podcast des Phrench Phries. Résultat, un mix intergalactique, qui nous fait passer de R-Kelly à Robert Wyatt, de George Duke a Curtis Blow et d’Egyptian Lover (LE fracasseur des Roland TR) à Suicide…
01. Andreas Vollenweider - “Flight feet…”
02. Egyptian Lover - “I cry (night after night)”
03. Holiday for Strings - “I cry (night after night)”
04. Prince Live in Stockholm - “Little red Corvette”
05. George Duke - “Dawn”
06. Imagination - “Body Talk Dub”
07. Curtis Blow - “Do it yourself rapping”
08. Suicide - “Radiation 33 RPM”
09. Chocolate Star, Gary Davis - “Pop”
10. Hal 9000 - “unknown”
11. Stevie Wonder on Talkbox
12. Kirlian Camera - “Blue room”
13. John Carpenter - “Escape from New York main title”
14. Jan Hammer - “Darkness/Earth in search for a sun”
15. Alan Parson Project - “I, Robot”
16. Mort Garson - “Ode to an African flower”
17. Steel n’ Skin - “Acid rain”
18. Dunkelziffer - “Don’t ask me”
19. Steve Reich - “Electric Counterpoint, Fast”
20. Third World - “Satta Massagana Dub, live from the movie Prisoners in the street”
21. Arthur Russell - “Calling out of context”
22. Robert Wyatt - “At last I am free”
23. R-Kelly - “Feelin’ you in stereo”
24. Andreas Vollenweider - “Flight feet…”
Phrench Phries Podcast vol.05 - Thieve Like Us

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