Du buzz pour les enfants : Help Point for Kids! avec Zurich HelpPoint

Publié le 20 avril 2009 par Lilzeon


C’est facile, drôle, golf, et ça peut aider !

Alors rejoignez le jeu maintenant , tous les 18 nouveaux joueurs d’une même partie génèrent du cash pour aider les enfants du monde…

“Join our golf relay game and help us support children’s charities! Hit a virtual golf ball and pass it on to friends or colleagues. Once 18 players have hit a ball, the round is completed and Zurich makes a donation to the Fore!Kids Foundation and Practical Action.”

“Zurich launched HelpPoint for Kids to raise awareness and increase funding for two charities that deliver to children in need. The Fore!Kids Foundation and Practical Action exemplify the Zurich HelpPoint philosophy of being here to help your world. For every completed ball Zurich will make a donation to the 2 charities which for example can provide lasting access to safe and clean water for 9 families.”