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Üzeyir Lokman ÇAYCI.

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Her yaşta anlayış…

Korkuları aşacak

Endişeleri giderecek

Ve hırsları göğüsleyecek

Bir irade…

Hayatı güzelleştirecek

Dostluğu geliştirecek

İçtenliği kökleştirecek

Örnek ve eşsiz tavırların sahibi bir yürek.  

İnsanca yaşamayı

Seviyeli birlikteliği

Köklü aşkı

Daimi  sevgiyi


İlkeli bir kişilik…

Karşılık beklemeksizin yardım

Sınırsız hoşgörü

Pazarlıksız yaklaşımlar

Birbirleriyle özdeşleşecek


Dost ... Arkadaş

Komşu... Kardeş...

Hiç ayırım yapmadan

Kişileri benimseyecek

Bir erdemlik...

Sırları köprüleştirecek

Takdiri ve öfkeyi sezdirecek

Misafirlerini içinde gezdirecek

Bir gönül...

Sağlam bir ruh  ile

Yön veren




Üzeyir Lokman ÇAYCI

Paris, 23.11.2007

La spontanéité
En pensant
En travaillant
En mangeant
De la compréhension à chaque âge…
Pour surmonter les peurs
Se débarrasser des craintes
Et faire face aux ardeurs
Une volonté de fer…
Pour embellir la vie
Améliorer l’amitié
Enraciner la sincérité
Un coeur exemplaire d’attitudes sans pareilles. 
Pour vivre humainement
Dans une coexistence de haut niveau
Un amour enraciné
Une affection permanante
A approfondire
Par une personnalité à principes…
Aider sans contre-partie
Une tolérence illimitée
Approches sans marchandage
Et des sacrifices qui se reconnaîteront
Les uns dans les autres...
Amis ... Camarades…
Voisins... Frères...
Sans aucune distinction
Une vertu
Qui ne considère que la personne...
Construisant des ponts avec des secrets
Faisant sentir appréciation et colère
Promenant ses hôtes
Dans un coeur…
Grâce à une âme saine
Faisant se comprendre
Unifiant à jamais
Dans la spontanéité!
Paris, le 23.11.2007
Traduit du turc par Yakup YURT ©
While thinking
While working
While eating
Comprehension at each age...
To overcome fears
To rid oneself of fears
To face the heat
An iron will…
To embellish life
To improve friendship
To embrace sincerity
And exemplary attitudes...
To live humanly
On a high level of coexistence
To embrace love
Permanent affection
With profundity
With principles…
To help without strings
With unrestricted tolerance
Approaches without bargaining
Sacrifices recognized
One in another…
Friends… Comrades…
Neighbors… Brothers…
Without discrimination
Virtue that considers only the person…
Building bridges
Making appreciation felt
And anger
Thanks to a healthy heart
Unifying forever In spontaneity!
Üzeyir Lokman ÇAYCI
Paris, le 23.11.2007
Translated from the Turkish by Yakup Yurt
English translations by Joneve McCormick


A été publié dans :
At summer published in:
Yer aldığı yayınlar :

1)  00.03.2008  Düşünbil Dergisi,  Sayı:4  (Türkiye)
2)   00.07.2008  Les cahiers de poesie,  N° 15,  Page : 213, Collection drigée par Joseph Ouaknine & Laurent Fels (France)

Üzeyir Lokman ÇAYCI

He is a poet, a writer, a versatile artist... He was born in 1949 in Bor that is one of the beautiful cities of Turkey. He attended primary and high school there. And then he graduated as an Architect - Designer of Industry from The Fine Arts Academy of State in Istanbul. His important works are, Akşamların Durağı , Karar, he has many poetries, stories and articles as well. It was called every body attention to his fine arts drawing / painting pictures since 14 years old. His poetries were translated into French by Yakup YURT who loves art. The Reward of Eagerness was given by The Radio NPS of Holland in 1999 and The Reward of Palmares was given by The Organization of Les Amis de Thalie in France to him. He placed in a poem competition from the same Organization at the same year too. He works in The Center of Adult Education ( AFPA) at present.

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