Au passage j'ai même fait profiter mon blog du soleil, je sais que je change pas mal le template mais j'ai quelque peu du mal à en trouver un qui me satisfasse, mais je suis plutôt contente de celui ci qui est assez grand pour augmenter la taille de mes photos. Bon j'arrête mon blah blah!
I've made a promise, I have stop wearing sad clothes. With this sun... In any case an outfit which reminds me a little lady, in another post I've tried a fast look with this top shopped at Guerrisol, I had a little more time to think of it. And soon with beautiful days I would need no more tights!
In the passage I even shared my blog of the sun, I know that I often change the template but I have some difficulty finding one which satisfies me, but I am rather satisfied this one I can make larger pictures Check I stop(arrest) my blah blah!
*Top&Sac/Top&Bag: Guerisol
*Short, Lunette&Collier/
Short, Sunglass&Necklace: H&M
*Collant/Tights: Monop'
*Chaussures/Shoes: Tout le Monde En Parle