Psapp est un duo composé de Carim Clasmann & Galia Durant. Ils pratiquent une electro originale qui a parfois été présentée comme de la "Toytronica" en raison des nombreux instruments jouets utilisés, et qui participent à l'univers onirique de leur musique. Le groupe a 4 albums a son actif, et s'est également fait connaitre via son titre "Cosy in the Rocket", thème principal d'une petite série que vous connaissez peut être: Grey's Anatomy. D'autres titres ont également été utilisés pour Nip \ Tuck.
Vous pouvez écouter le titre ici et l'acheter sur iTunes.
We've left our homes,
for the dusty road,
though it weighed us down,
to go.
Now, see, burning in the sun,
fire in our bellies.
Today ate us up,
and never chewed.
Though we still rolled along, cause 'a you.
The change that we don't see,
is happening to me
though you are watching.
It is cold, it is dark,
in the big black heart,
of the wood, of the hill,
at our home.
We are all, all but left,
in a wit un-breath.
We are all of the pack,
in the fire.
It is green, it is damp,
by the burning lamp,
of the woods, of the hills,
of our homes.
Oh, how I long, for the things I have,
for the burden I don't own.
Do I know, how to please your head
pour the contents back, that are spilling from my
the day is long, and the spark won't call
No saw, in the chest.
It is cold, it is dark,
in the big black heart,
of the wood, of the hill,
at our home.
We are all, all but left,
in a wit un-breath.
We are all of the pack,
in the fire.
Oh you, the husband of the wife,
I know you are watching.
Oh you, the husband of the wife,
I know you are watching.