(source: The FRBR Blog, 20/01/09)
- Le nouveau site de la BU de Metz Intègre Google recherche de livres
(source: Bibliobsession 2.0, 21/01/09)
- Le catalogue de la médiathèque de l'Institut français du Royaume-Uni intégré au Copac
(source: Tour de Toile du BBF, 22/01/09)
- Choosing a Discovery Tool
(source: The Cataloguing Librarian, 05/02/09)
So, you’ve decided that you want a social catalogue, a discovery tool (and often referred to as a “solution” or “platform”). How are you going to decide which one? What if you don’t even know about them? [...]"
- New Extend Search Option
(source: liste ngc4lib, 06/02/09)
A propos de l'Opac de l'American University of Rome.