Je l’avais découvert grâce à Jane Birkin, j’en avais parlé ici.
J’ai relu les textes d’Anno, et je les trouve magnifiques
et touchants. Il avait beaucoup de talent, et c’est à chaque fois avec beaucoup d’émotion que je m’en imprègne. Pour les anglophiles, ses textes et poèmes ont été compilés ici.
Écrit à l’âge de neuf ans, et oui il était précoce, voici un exemple parmi d’autre de son
Hold on to who you know you are my dearest
you've got me climbing in your heat & bending in my sleep,
don't weep for those who dare not know your wonder.
I wonder sometimes how you hold your ground
on an earth that's far too small yet too far.......
Round – Drowned in whisky and wine to the sounds of crime,
may I join you for a while?
You are the king of kingdoms dark
that hold my sorrows and my sparks,
and hold my heart in icy brambles.
Got my eye caught and tangled in thorns,
remember moonlight on our skin.
Let us toast to the ghost of the first born,
spread your dark angelic wings.
You suffer for our crimes you like it when it rains i like it when you
smile you like it when it stings i like it when you reign.
Will you yield at the sign on the water,
Will you wait upon the waves?
Or in your clouds or in your cave or in your temple at the weir of my
Did you
take the time
to wonder
why it hurt me?
ou encore…
Poetry is the expression of the unexpected – the refusal to collect, and
desire to break through the walls of possibility. Anything is possible, through
the inscription of words placed writhing mad on a page, willing to tear apart
any boundary in order that they may be felt. To you, my pages may seem
insignificant, pointless and vain. So be it. Treat them not as a meaning or a
collection of words, but as a spear, parting the flesh so that it may sting the
core of self. So that it may release its venom into your system and stop at
nothing to tear apart your soul. Read again my friend, watch how the words
Et pour finir…
Death is the transition
from a regular state of consciousness
into a higher collective state.
To die is to become one with the universe.
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