Magazine Culture

Métier (02/02/09)

Publié le 02 février 2009 par Pintini
- Lancement de calendoc, l’agenda collaboratif des professionnels de l’info-doc !
(source: Bibliobsession 2.0, 27/01/09)
"[...] un outil collaboratif destiné à regrouper toutes les manifestations liées à l’information documentation dans un seul agenda ! L’idée est de réunir les manifestations qui concernent à la fois les bibliothécaires, les documentalistes, les étudiants, enfin toutes les personnes intéressées par le domaine de l’information documentation." (Calendoc)
- Comment veilles-tu ?
(source: Blogo Numericus, 25/01/09)
"La masse d'information que nous devons traiter chaque jour est toujours plus importante. Face au risque d'infobésité, nous sommes tous contraints de mettre en place des stratégies de traitement de l'information au moyen d'outils plus ou moins perfectionnés. La définition de telles stratégies repose sur la définition d'un équilibre entre deux principes opposés mais non contradictoires :
- la recherche de sources d'informations toujours plus nombreuses et diversifiées, afin de ne pas manquer les innovations qui apparaissent constamment dans la plupart des champs d'activité (la société de l'information est une société de l'innovation)
- le filtrage toujours plus sévère de l'information collectée pour ne pas perdre de temps à devoir traiter de l'information non pertinente ou redondante. [...]"

- Collection management of electronic journals in academic libraries: notes on embracing change in an unstable environment Métier (02/02/09)
(source: Library and Information Research, vol. 32, N° 102, 2008)
- After More Than a Decade of Debate, ALA Approves Core Competencies
(source: Library Journal, 28/01/09)
Aux Etats-Unis, "[the] Core Competences of Librarianship define the knowledge to be possessed by all persons graduating from ALA-accredited master’s programs in library and information studies."
[voir le document Métier (02/02/09)]
- Library Connect Newsletter Métier (02/02/09)
(source: Elsevier, vol. 7, n° 1, janv. 09)
Thème: planning et performance
- [revue] Collaborative Librarianship
(source: Regis University, E.-U., vol. 1, n°1, 2009 / via Maxime, 28/01/09)
- Handbook on cultural web user interaction Métier (02/02/09)
(source: Minerva, Union européenne, sept. 08 / via Klog, 29/01/09)
"This handbook has its origin in three statements, often reasserted in past MINERVA activities:
• the quality of a digital cultural project reflects decisions that are taken at the earliest stages;
• most cultural digital projects should be available to the widest number of users. In 2001, the Lund Meeting conclusions identified the “lack of simple, common forms of access for the citizen” as one of the main barriers, while two years later in Parma digitisation was highlighted as an essential step to providing “improved access for the citizen to that heritage, enhancing education and tourism”;
• In order to meet the users’ needs as much as possible, and to offer easily-used online facilities digital cultural applications must be user-centred from their very inception. Since the beginning of the MINERVA activities on web quality, we realized that central to these three
aims is one core issue: user interaction and satisfaction. [...]"

- Developing a Scholarly Communication Program in Your Library
(source: ARL, 29/01/09)
"The guide provides background information and outlines steps for setting up a scholarly communication program at your library and on your campus.
Scholarly communication initiatives can take many forms and focus on different issues, such as the University of California’s innovative recruitment of faculty publications into its eScholarship Repository, the University of Minnesota’s author’s rights education program, or SPARC’s student-focused “Right to Research” campaign. Whatever the issues particularly relevant to your institution, librarians can engage faculty members, students, and administrators to make a significant impact on the scholarly landscape."

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