Magazine Finances

FLT 1549 - un vieux pilote aux commandes

Publié le 20 janvier 2009 par Alafon

Capt. Chesley B. Sullenberger II - l'??toffe d'un h??ros discret

Un "vieux" pilote a fait amerrir sans casse sur l'Hudson River son Airbus A320 dont les deux moteurs sont tomb??s en panne une minute apr??s le d??collage de la Guardia ?? New York apr??s une collision probable avec des oiseaux.

Pilote tr??s exp??riment??, ancien pilote de F104, un v??ritable tombeau volant, pilote de planeur, et expert des accidents a??riens, le capitaine Chesly B Sullenberger III, 57 ans a fait preuve de sang froid, d'esprit de d??cision et d'une parfaite ma??trise de son avion pour r??ussir ?? le poser sans casse, et sans froisser son complet ou sa cravate.

FLT 1549 - un vieux pilote aux commandes

Capt. Chesley B. Sullenberger III is the US Airways pilot who landed an Airbus A320 in the Hudson River on Jan. 15, 2009 when the plane lost power after taking off from LaGuardia Airport, possibly because of a collision with a flock of birds. Mr. Sullenberger, the captain on the flight, was hailed for his quick thinking and piloting skills that led to a smooth landing on the water, and for taking charge of an evacuation that ended with all 155 people on board brought to safety. Mr. Sullenberger told New York City officials that he had walked through the sinking plane twice, looking for any passengers who might have been left behind, before leaving himself.xx

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