Social Gold payment widget, mobile money transfer in UK by Monetise, android banking, NFC in UK buses and Visa money booster for NFC payment terminal

Publié le 27 janvier 2009 par Denisvacher

Jambool lance Social Gold un widget (notamment sur Facebook) abouti en matière de paiements : “The SocialGold platform enables payment with credit cards and bank accounts through PayPal, Amazon, and Google - as well as mobile phone payment in 37 countries through other partners.”
Jambool Focused on Payments Platform for Virtual Goods, Launches Payments Widget for Facebook Applications
money transfer : une annonce du n°1 anglais des appli banque à domicile
UK Monetise says P2P mobile payments service is in sight
Le risque lié aux appli ouvertes : fausse appli bancaire sur android et vrai virus
Android: beware the dark side
2 news sans contact
Pilote UK dans les bus avec un ticket mobile NFC normalisé (ITSO)
Trial success for mobile tickets
Visa booste le NFC
Visa Europe to invest EUR 10 million to equip retailers with payWave terminals