
Midnight Sun

Publié le 25 janvier 2009 par Maryelen

"My life was an unending, unchanging midnight. It must, by necessity, always be midnight for me. So, how was it possible that the sun was rising now, in the middle of my midnight?"
"Ma vie était une nuit éternelle et immuable. Pour moi, c'était inévitable, il sera toujours minuit. Alors, comment était-il possible que le soleil se lève, là, maintenant, au milieu de l'obscurité? "

Midnight Sun
(que l'on peut traduire par "le soleil de minuit" -oui oui "Byakuyakou" en japonais ^^) est un projet de Stephenie Meyer malheureusement en suspens suite à une fâcheuse affaire.
Il ne s'agit pas d'une suite à Révélation, mais de la même histoire que Fascination (le tome 1) du point de vue d'Edward. Et cela change déjà tout, et promet d'être...fascinant.
Suite à des fuites, le brouillon des 9 premiers chapitres du livre s'est retrouvé sur Internet, et l'auteur s'est trouvée obligée de le diffuser sur son site. (en anglais of course!)
Elle hésite encore à continuer le livre suite à cet incident. Dans tous les cas, un bon moment pourrait s'écouler avant que le livre ne soit achevé et publié. Vous pouvez lire le message et les réponses de l'auteur à ce sujet traduits en français ICI.
Ce qui est d'autant dommage qu'il s'avère intéressant et captivant pour tout fan qui se respecte. Rien que la couverture (potentielle) suffit à mettre l'eau à la bouche ^^
J'ai lu le brouillon diffusé et le point de vue d'Edward s'avère "fascinant", que ne ferait-on pas pour être l'objet de si doux commentaires! ^^ Les dialogues entre les deux protagonistes sont évidemment identiques à ceux de Fascination, c'est la même histoire, seul le point de vue change (et des évènements supplémentaires, inconnus de Bella alors, s'ajoutent)
Extraits du draft4 sur
"Bella Swan sat down in the chair next to me, her movements stiff and awkward - with fear?- and the scent of her blood bloomed in an inexorable cloud around me.
I leaned away from her in revulsion - revolted by the monster aching to take her.
Why did she have to come here? Why did she have to exist? Why did she have to ruin the little piece I had in this non-life of mine? Why had this aggravating human ever been born? She would ruin me.
Who was this creature?
"Toute cette curiosité. J'étais en colère contre moi-même de ressentir cela. [...]Et maintenant, me voilà totalement et excessivement fasciné par elle."
She looked up then, her wide brown eyes startled -almost bewildered- and full of silent questions. It was the same expression that had been obstructing my vision for the last week.
As I stared into those oddly deep brown eyes, I realized that the hate -the hate I'd imagined this girl somehow deserved for simply existed- had evaporated. Not breathing now, not tasting her scent, it was hard to believe that anyone so vulnerable could ever justify hatred.
I could not hope to rival the human boys, whether these specific boys appealed to her or not. I was a monster. How could she see me as anything else? If she knew the truth about me, it would frighten and repulse her. Like the intended victim in a horror movie, she would run away, shrieking in terror. [...]
It was foolishness to imagine that if had I been the one to ask her to the silly dance, she would have cancelled her hastily-made plans and agreed to go with me.
I was not the one she was destined to say yes to. It was someone else, someone human and warm. [...] She deserved happiness and love with whomever she chose.
"Why won't you leave me alone?"
Believe me, I wanted to say. I've tried. Oh, and also, I'm wretchedly in love with you.
"I decided as long as I was going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly.
-You know I don't have any idea what you mean."
This didn't surprise me. She was responsible - she always did the right thing. She was my opposite.
"I'll see you later, then" , I said, tying for casual again, staring down at the whirling lid. And, by the way, I adore frightening, dangerous ways.

"When I surfaced, I was not the same man I had been.

My life was an unending, unchanging midnight. It must, by necessity, always be midnight for me. So, how was it possible that the sun was rising now, in the middle of my midnight?"

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