Top 10 Strippers In Film List | Stripper Music : Sexy music for Stripping and Strip Club []

Publié le 14 décembre 2008 par Ttiger

I’ve Just find this list while surfing the net tonight and wanna share with you! more strippers music is coming soon..i have lots of work for a few week now!

With Jessica Biel soon to hit the big screen as a stripper in “Powder Blue,” and Kristen Stewart doing the same in “Welcome to the Rileys,” it seems Hollywood is just filled to the brim with actresses taking their clothes off to show a more vulnerable side. But as any film fan knows, this isn’t a new trend. Hence, this top 10 list: The Best Strippers On Film.

10. Erika Eleniak in “Under Seige”
Playing an ex-playmate brought aboard a battleship to pop out of its captain’s birthday cake, only to find when she does the ship overtaken by mercenaries threatening nuclear war, Eleniak narrowly beats out deserving bids by Natalie Portman (Closer) and Natalie Wood (Gypsy). As much courage as both ladies plainly exhibited in delivering their respective performances, that still wasn’t half as much as Eleniak displayed in locking lips with co-star Steven Seagal.

9. Teri Hatcher in Tango & Cash
Hatcher’s electric drum-solo-in-front-of-giant-wind machine routine is easily the most kick-ass of the bunch, and would have easily landed her in the top five if not for that atrocious ensemble. Sequined bikini and leggings? I mean…really?

8. Demi Moore in “Striptease”
Undeniably hot, if a little too muscular. That, in addition to the overly choreographed routines, keeps Mrs. Kutcher from snagging a higher spot.

7. Rose McGowan in “Planet Terror”
In one of the most…engrossing title sequences ever, we meet Rose’s Cherry Darling as she twirls around a pole, shedding her clothes…and even a few tears. It should be noted that this is the first of 3 performances on the list that were directed by Robert Rodriguez. (Well done, sir.)

6. Cynthia Rhodes in “Flashdance”
In a film so full of Jennifer Beals’ iconic moves — the splash scene, the “Maniac” sequence, the conservatory audition — Rhodes’s brick wall backflip remains tragically underappreciated.

5. Selma Hayek in “From Dusk Till Dawn”
Perhaps the only actress in all of Hollywood who could counterbalance the weight of a full-grown python draped around her shoulders, Hayek was given free reign by director Robert Rodriguez to improvise her strip scene. Except for sticking her foot in Quentin Tarantino’s mouth. You know that was all QT.

4. Jessica Alba in “Sin City”
The biggest thing to happen to chaps since…well, since they were invented. Just as he’d done with Hayek, director Rodriguez left it up to Alba to devise her bar top seduction of Bruce Willis’s character.

3. Halle Berry in “The Last Boy Scout”
Again sporting western wear, again before an audience including Willis. Bests Alba thanks only to her choice of song: eighties’ smash “I Wanna Be a Cowboy” by Boys Don’t Cry. (Counting #s 8 and 4—that makes three of those mentioned here who have disrobed for Willis at some point.)

2. Tawny Kitaen in “Bachelor Party”
Most fiancées would call off the wedding upon finding their husband-to-be holed up in a hotel with a boatload of drugs and a donkey renowned for its sexual prowess; Kitaen’s character joins the party disguised as a hooker. Judging by the patience she shows Gary Busey on “Celebrity Rehab,” she’s as much the good sport in real life.

1. Marissa Tomei in “The Wrestler”
By far the most realistic portrayal on the list — over forty divorcee, adolescent son at home –and somehow all the hotter for it. Tomei, in a performance surpassing even her Academy Awarding-winning role in “My Cousin Vinny,” sets the bar — or is it pole? — impossibly high for Biel, Stewart and any other strippers of the silver screen yet to follow.

Well readers, you’ve heard our list. Now it’s your turn. And what do you think about your favorite actresses playing these types of roles?

Published by Vanessa White Wolf for MTV

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