L'evolution des medias sociaux en 2009

Publié le 16 décembre 2008 par Verbal Kint
Les médias sociaux permettent d'accomplir des choses incroyables. En moins de temps qu'il me le faut pour l'écrire, [Peter Kim]url:http://www.beingpeterkim.com/2008/12/social-media-2009.html a réuni en cette fin d'année les meilleurs bloggeurs spécialistes autour d'un livre blanc exposant leurs réflexions autour de l'évolution des médias sociaux et de leurs usages en entreprise. Si le document démontre dans son ensemble un point de vue typiquement américain, il en est pour autant franchement intéressant. J'ai pointé ci-dessous les idées fortes de chaque intervenant. On y retrouve les thèmes de la participation, du collaboratif, des micro-formats, de la personnalité, de l'humain comme des relations publiques. Tout y est, ou presque. Et je suis d'accord avec la grande majorité de ces prédictions... Alors...Faites-vous donc votre propre idée ! DAVID ARMANO - Logic + Emotion
"2009 will prove that the Web is not powered by technology alone. Organizations will realize they require warm bodies and bright minds in order to successfully execute programs, whether they be external or enterprise."

Rohit BHARGAVA - Influential Marketing Blog
"Spent most of their marketing effort crafting key messages and controlling the spokespeople that deliver them. "
"Find your accidental spokespeople (employees and customers) and give them ways to amplify their voices."

Pete BLACKSHAW - ConsumerGeneratedMedia.com
"Intimacy touches emotion; emotion powers conversation."

Chris BROGAN - ChrisBrogan.com
"Doors are going to close all over the social web. Why? Because the money didn't come the way people thought it would."

Todd DEFREN - PR-Squared
"The tipping point has not only *not* been reached, but could still tilt *away* from Social Media."

Jason FALLS - Social Media Explorer
"Google will have mercy on us and buy Twitter. They'll probably do it out of the same frustration we all
have with the platform - it's so useful and good but hasn't been improved in the least and still doesn't work well."

Ann HANDLEY - AnnHandley.com
"Blogging Is Dead/No, It Isn't. The Debate Rages On. Extract: Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Yes, it is. No, it isn't.
Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. Social media consultants riot, with both sides chanting, "I know you are, but what am I...?"

Joseph JAFFE - Jaffe Juice
"We're going to develop a set of better metrics to help guide, direct and validate "commitment"

Charlene LI - The Altimeter by Charlene Li
"Obama-maniacs will spawn a new age of activism."

Scott MONTY - The Social Media Marketing Blog
"Online video will come into its own. Whether it's Oprah using Skype, Google's chat function being
enabled with video, and more widespread adoption of high-speed internet have thrust video chat into
the limelight in 2008."

Jeremiah OWYANG - Web Strategy by Jeremiah
"Expect to see eCommerce widgets and applications appear in popular social networks, as well as when visiting existing eCommerce sites the ability to login with your Facebook or Google identity."

Andy SERNOVITZ - Damn! I Wish I'd Thought Of That!
"People will rally to support companies they love when hard times hit (remember the people who
sent cash to Southwest after 9/11?). Companies that focus on earning love will thrive during hard times, and kick ass when good times return."

Greg VERDINO - GregVerdino.com
"We will finally settle the debate over whether PR or Marketing ‘owns' social media. The answer will be

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