
Noel ( christmas) In Provence : les santons

Publié le 04 décembre 2008 par Aussandon

Today I found (chiner ) perfect things for my new christmas 2008 display :

I found little figures called santons ...


I particularly love this one..they all have a name . This one is "le boulanger (baker )


here are some of the others santons I found : le pêcheur (fisher ) , le boulanger and le meunier ( miller )

I love these ones becaise they have a lovely patina

Provencal christmas is full of traditions , I'll try to share it with you all along this month.
Today we have planted the seeds of wheat , to have a flourishing year ...

I will show you some pictures

and today is also a special day it is my Dad's birthday ...I have the chance to be abble to celebrate it with him surrounded by most of my family


sante , Tchin tchin ....

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