Tuesdays with Dorie: Heavy Metal Chocolate Cupcakes

Par Shazz

J’en connais qui vont aimer cet article! Cette semaine, c’est Clara qui a choisi les chocolate-chocolate cupcakes. Comme on pouvait les décorer pour Halloween, je me suis dit que je n’allais pas suivre la tendance et que j’allais les décorer aux noms de mes groupes préférés, parce que ça me fait plaisir!

I know someone who will love this post! This Clara chose the chocolate-chocolate cupcakes. We could decorate them for Halloween but I wanted to do something else so I decided to decorate them with the names of my favorite bands! Well, for some people Heavy Metal is a bit scary, so we’re not that far from Halloween, are we?

Appetite for... Cupcakes!

You wanted the best, you've got the best, the hottest band in the world... Kiss!

I'm gonna see them again next year... Metallica!

AC/DC... let there be rock!

These cupcakes are SO FINE!

I can't talk about G'N'R without mentionning Velvet Revolver!

And my favorite one, the Esprit riche cupcake!
