Si l'on en croit le site de l'agent de James Ellroy, Nat Sobel, le dernier volume de la trilogie Underworld USA, débutée en 1995 (!) avec American Tabloid et continué en 2001 (!) avec The Cold Six Thousand, et qui devrait s'intituler Blood's a Rover, sortira à l'automne 2009.
Ce qui veut dire qu'en l'espace de quelques mois, il y aura un nouveau Pynchon et un nouvel Ellroy. C'est assez bath moi je trouve.
En attendant on va acheter le Playboy spécial noël ! (vous comprendrez pourquoi en lisant ce qui suit)
Voilà ce qui en est dit :
At long last—James Ellroy’s greatest work of fiction.
BLOOD’S A ROVER is the third volume of Ellroy’s Underworld USA Trilogy. Volume 1, AMERICAN TABLOID, covered 1958-’63 and ended with the JFK snuff in Dallas. Volume 2, THE COLD SIX-THOUSAND, covered Dallas to the MLK RFK hits and their hellish aftermath. BLOOD’S A ROVER takes us on the wildest historical ride of them all.
There’s a horrific armored-car heist, replete with a stash of missing cash and mysterious emeralds. There’s J. Edgar Hoover and Howard Hughes moving into their psychopathic dotage. The FBI’s out to infiltrate two evil black-militant groups in L.A. The mob wants to plant lush hotel casinos in the Dominican Republic. There’s a voodoo vibe in Haiti, and, brother, it be bad gre-gre. Two rogue cops and a kid private eye are locked in a consuming fury to claim the Red Goddess Joan.
Sex and history—on an unprecedented scale.
Raging love stories, the clash of race and ideology, the moral fire of a great American time.
Playboy will publish a 10,000-word excerpt in this year’s Christmas issue on sale Nov. 10.
Alfred A. Knopf will publish BLOOD’S A ROVER in fall of 2009.
Feel the all-encompassing heat!
Fear this book.