Lance n'est pas viré par la WWE le probléme est beaucoup plus grave, il serait atteint d'une tumeur trés avancé! Il aurait eu un malaise en plein vole et aprés examen on lui aurait découvert ce probléme, un grand combat contre la maladie s'annonce pour lui.
Extrait du rapport de la WWE:
"Lance Cade was dismissed from the WWE because, like many humans, he made a major league mistake while utilizing bad judgment that cost him his job. This included Lance having a seizure on an airplane and having to have emergency medial care. Luckily, Lilian Garcia was on the same flight and was instrumental in helping Lance get taken to a hospital where a battery of tests were run that luckily determined that there was nothing seriously wrong with the young man such as a brain tumor, etc...Under the circumstances of the situation, I don't know what other decision the WWE could have made...Let's hope Lance's peers are paying attention to this situation"...More?