Tous droits réservés
Ce qui sauve cet épisode, c'est l'équipe qui fait la découverte à l'origine, composée de 4 femmes. J'ai beaucoup aimé le "Well, I was told to pick the best and the brightest. Funny how that worked out." du Major Teldy lorsque Sheppard manque de s'étrangler en faisant leur rencontre :) D'autant qu'évidemment, Sheppard est venu seul avec Beckett, qui ne se prive pas de faire du gringue directement à la scientifique de l'équipe, ma foi fort mignonne, sous le regard goguenard des autres.
SHEPPARD: All right, we're going over to the next village to talk to some locals. You guys need anything, want anything?
PORTER: Yeah. If you happen to pass a Starbucks, I'll take a grande triple sugar free vanilla latte.
SHEPPARD: No problem! (He looks at Mehra.) Sarge ...
MEHRA (sighing): I'm babysitting. Yes, sir.
PORTER: Oh! I feel like I'm back in college studying for my mid-terms.
BECKETT (smiling at her): I know what you mean. Where was that, then?
PORTER: Caltech. Go Beavers!
BECKETT: Aye! What year did you graduate?
PORTER: 1996.
BECKETT: Oh! So you're just a youngster!
PORTER: Oh! Thank you!
(They chuckle. Sitting nearby and reading a book she brought with her, Mehra laughs at their flirting. They look round at her. She stops laughing.)
MEHRA: I just read something funny.
(They look away again.)
MEHRA (pointedly): And really obvious.
(Carson clears his throat in an embarrassed way and looks at Porter.)
BECKETT: Anyway, what brings you here to the Pegasus galaxy?
PORTER: Well, you can just chalk that up to my sense of adventure: a desire to visit strange, unexplored worlds, meet new and interesting people ...
(They both giggle again. Mehra rolls her eyes.)
MEHRA: OK, I'm gonna go check the perimeter. Be back in twenty.
(She puts her book down, goes to the door and opens it, then turns back.)
MEHRA: Unless there's a sock on the doorknob.
(Porter grimaces at her in horror while Carson pastes a fixed smile on his face. As Mehra leaves, Carson turns back to Porter and they both smile awkwardly.)
BECKETT: She's a character, that one.
Je l'avoue, j'ai vraiment bien aimé les personnages féminins, d'autant qu'ils survivent, enfin, pas tous, mais bon, tant que ce n'est pas QUE nos héros qui rentrent indemnes à chaque fois, ça me va. Je serais ravie d'avoir un autre militaire récurrent, comme Lorne qui prend vraiment de l'envergure cette saison, mais au féminin, histoire de botter régulièrement les fesses de Shep (qu'il a fort jolies, comme tout le monde le sait !).