Projet hugolien (3/6)
La pièce qu’a écrite Marina est prévue pour novembre. Le projet a bien progressé et la réalisation semble prête. Voici donc le script.
« In 1854, at the peak of Crimean War, Victor Hugo, a legendary French romantic,
comes to London in search of inspiration for his next novel. He meets up with Jocelyn Stuart, a delusional young benefactress, who promises to show
him “the real England”. Disguised as a sailor, Hugo enters Bermondsey and immerses himself into the world of boxing matches, circus performances and
gang wars. Roaming London’s most notorious slum, he encounters Dr. Grant, a Cambridge-educated opium dealer, Wynfield, a charismatic bandit, and
Diana, a sickly servant girl who bears a disturbing resemblance to Hugo’s dead daughter. Their surreal adventures become the basis for Hugo’s
subsequent novels. When danger befalls his new friends, Hugo vows to protect them, even if it means turning against his old friends and risking his
own safety. How far will a grieving father go for the memory of his child? Infused with dark humor,
“Hugo in London” is a tribute to one of France’s most prolific literary icons ».

Beach in Talmine.
par Eric Bertrand publié dans : Ecriture et réécriture communauté : Voyage et écritureajouter un commentaire 0 commentaire (0) commentaires (0) créer un trackback recommander Retour à la page d'accueil