La chaise Orchidée de Sebastian Gronemeyer

Par Pop

Orchid Chair
Designed by Sebastian Gronemeyer

Le designer allemand Sebasian Gronemeyer, très influencé par le design des 50's et 60's, et notamment celui de Arne Jacobsen (créateur de la egg chair), ou encore de eero saarinen (tulip chair), s'est ici inspiré des formes organiques de l'Orchidée pour concevoir Orchid Chair. Chaise et fauteuil en fibre de verre epoxy (et peut-être aussi en bambou). Superbe et confortable !

The German designer Sebasian Gronemeyer, very influenced by the design of the 50's and 60's, including that of Arne Jacobsen (creator of the egg chair), or even eero saarinen (tulip chair), was inspired by organic forms of the orchid for the Orchid Chair design. Chair and armchair fiberglass epoxy (and perhaps also in bamboo). Beautiful and comfortable!

Orchid Chair
Designed by Sebastian Gronemeyer

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