Magazine Internet

La e-santé décolle aux USA. Ce n'est pas encore le cas en France...

Publié le 05 août 2012 par Anne Onyme

Vous trouverez ci- aprés une liste de startups américaines, liste publiée par un incubateur spécialisé : RockHealth.. Il y en a beaucoup de startups e-santé aux USA (la liste publiée n'est pas exhaustive) ... Vous remarquerez les différents segments de la e-santé que cet incubateur a retenus... 

Ce secteur explose aux USA et notamment dans la Silicon Valley qui y voit là, un nouvel eldorado. Des milliards de $ y sont investis. Cela part en effet dans tous les sens...  Ce qui est, à mon avis, signe de grande vitalité.. On est loin en France avec notre jacobisme 1.0.. Je connais seulement quelques startups dans le domaine de la santé chez nous .. Il en faudrait beaucoup plus... Car ce n'est pas de l'Etat, de nos élus, et de nos hauts fonctionnaires 1.0 que l'adpation nécessaire va se faire.. Les USA dépensent 18% de leur PNB dans la santé. 75% des dépenses se font dans le management des maladies chroniques.. Ces dépenses augmenteront de 200% d'ici 2050, si une autre organisation n'est pas mis en oeuvre... De plus, l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé estime que 20 à 40% des dépenses sont inefficientes..

Capture d’écran 2012-08-05 à 19.30.55

Il faudrait, à mon avis, "karchériser" ce secteur au 2.0 au plus vite. Ce à quoi s'emploie les Américains...

Je publie cette liste (avec les URLs pour chacune des sociétés citées...), en espérant que cela donnera des idées à quelques jeunes (ou moins jeunes) français... La France suis généralement les USA avec un décalage de 3 à 4 ans...  Je m'intéresse à ce secteur aux USA quotidiennement (je publie les principales news que je trouve intéressantes sur mon compte twitter : si ce secteur nous intéresse il suffit de vous abonnés à mon flux - ou alors de rechercher vous-mêmes l'information).

Il serait utile à mon avis dans notre pays, que notre "élite 2.0" s'intéressent davantage aux secteurs durs de l'économie que sont la santé, l'éducation, l'administration des collectivités locales et de nos grandes Administrations, l'organisation de la Justice, etc. Il y a là beaucoup à faire... 

Il serait aussi judicieux de réaliser aussi une étude de Netéconomie dans ce secteur. Car chacune des ces startups a un business model... Comment ces modèles se présentent-ils ? Etc...

Dommage que l'Atelier à la "sauce Compagnie Bancaire" n'existe plus...


Quantify yourself:

  • Azumio develops mobile apps for testing stress and your heart rate
  • Cardiio creates tools to experiment, gain insight and take charge of your health and wellbeing
  • CareLogger helps people with diabetes measure and track their glucose levels, blood pressure, meals and weight
  • Genomera is enabling crowd-sourced open health studies
  • HealthTap‘s advanced algorithms personalize your health experience, bringing you expert knowledge and community insights
  • InsideTracker measures vitamins and nutrients in blood and provides recommendations to optimize health and athletic performance
  • livifi 40+ goals for whole life health
  • LUMOback is a mobile solution for posture and back pain
  • Massive Health aims to help people gain control of their weight
  • Scanadu is creating a commercially-viable medical tricorder
  • WellnessFX combines cutting-edge diagnostics, expert consultations with medical professionals, and easy to read data visualizations

The new EMR:

Enhancing the provider-patient relationship:

  • Avado enables a health-driven partnership between an individual and their health & wellness providers
  • Avva is a treatment preparation service for breast cancer patients
  • DrawMD enhances doctor-patient communication by offering a new paradigm for explaining complex medical issues
  • ExtendMD enables patients with chronic conditions to compile and share their health information with their providers
  • a behavioral analytics platform that turns mobile data into health insights
  • Orca Health provides mobile medical illustrations to empower and educate patients

Diagnose or treat it:

  • Agile Diagnosis is a decision support tool for medical professionals
  • Cellscope created a medical microscpe from your cell phone to your doctor
  • DoseSpot is an e-prescribing platform
  • medivo offers fast and convenient access to lab testing
  • Omada Health is revolutionizing health care through group-based programs for chronic disease prevention.
  • ScriptPad is a digital prescription pad for iPhone and iPad.
  • Skin Scan is a medical app created for you to easily scan and monitor your moles over time in order to prevent skin cancer
  • Zipnosis allows you to get diagnosed and treated for minor health problems using a computer or smartphone.

Mental health:

  • AbilTo helps individuals manage life transitions
  • Breakthrough connects patients and counselors for private, online therapy
  • BrainBot helps you monitor and learn from your brain activity with state-of-the-art EEG brain state detection technology
  • Cognitive Health Innovations is bringing bringing psychotherapy online
  • Empower Interactive hosts online tools for managing deression and anxiety
  • Lumosity helps you exercise your brain!

Enhanced care delivery:

  • Expert Medical Navigation offers treatment decision support for surgery and cancer from specialist doctors
  • One Medical is a progressive medical group
  • Privia Health is a wellness company that partners with top doctors to keep people healthy, and better manage disease
  • Sherpaa provides email and phone access to doctors
  • -  EMTALA transfers done right

Get yo’ ass in shape:

  • Blisslogik helps you create workout routines
  • Fitbit’s tracker automatically tracks data about fitness activities, such as calories burned, sleep quality, steps and distance
  • Dailyburn provides  fitness plans, nutritional tracking,and social motivation to help you reach your fitness goals
  • The Digifit™ Ecosystem helps you track your cardio exercising
  • Everyday Better provides expert instructional exercise videos and short intense workouts with workout plans
  • EveryMove helps you track your activities
  • Explorence  transforms outdoor recreational activities into video games
  • HealthRally is a crowdfunding platform that lets friends and family motivate one another to achieve health goals with money and rewards
  • Fitnio uses GPS to track your walk, jog or run and supplies you useful fitness-related data about the workout.
  • fitID is Facebook for fitness
  • GAIN Fitness’s web and mobile applications generate personalized training plans
  • Join Sessions is a platform for meeting new people and getting fitter through exercise
  • getupp is a location-based commitment service
  • Mindbodyfinder is a search engine and booking tool for healthy activities and services
  • Nexercise is a fitness mobile interactive game
  • RetroFit is a data drive weight loss solution
  • RunKeeper tracks workouts
  • Skimble provides a cross-platform ecosystem of fun, dynamic and social fitness/ coaching applications
  • Sportlyzer is an online training log and workout program generator
  • SportyPal helps you improve your running or cycling performance using your gps enabled mobile phone
  • TrainingMobs is a website and social fitness community that helps you easily find and share group workouts
  • Wello is a marketplace for virtual, live personal trainers

Food & nutrition:

  • Eatucate is a social and educational food community site that enables people to shop, cook, and eat healthy
  • DesignMyMeals is an online meal planning solution
  • FoodSpotting lets you tag and track dishes
  • Ideal Mealz is a subscription recipe service that enables you to prepare chef quality, healthy, home-made meals
  • ShopWell is a free food information site that scores products on how well they meet your unique needs
  • Zipongo is a unique online marketplace for healthy living

Got health questions? They have answers:

Find a doctor, book a doctor, rate a doctor:

  • Acesis uses technology to develop and enable best practices that will deliver true improvement in patient safety and quality of care
  • is a free, online report care featuring physicians, hospitals, nursing homes and home healthcare agencies
  • s streamlines the process of booking appointments for both patients and healthcare providers
  • BetterDoctor helps users find and book new doctors through web and mobile apps
  • provides physicians with solutions to online directory management, social media management, and inbound patient management
  • is a web-platform that connect people to doctors that match their specific personal needs and then provides the tools needed to develop and maintain a long-lasting relationship
  • DocMeIn is an online appointment scheduling service for private practices
  • DocSpot lets users search medical professionals based on certification, ratings, and more
  • FairCareMD is an Open Healthcare Network where patients can contract for care directly
  • HealthGrades publishes reports and ratings of healthcare providers
  • Health In Reach is a search and scheduling tool for out-of-pocket health services
  • MyHealthDirect is the first and only “Healthcare Scheduling Exchange”
  • One Medical Group is a member-supported primary care medical practice that is redefining modern medical care by leveraging technology and innovative best practices to provide patients with affordable, high-quality care.
  • allows patients to easily find a doctor
  • ZocDoc is the open table for doctors

Paying the bills / cost transparency:

  • Bloom Health helps employers control their health care spending & helps employees spend their benefit dollars wisely
  • Cake Health is a central place for all your healthcare plans online
  • Castlight Health enables employers  lower the costs & provides individuals with unbiased pricing and quality information
  • Change:Healthcare helps you analyze claims data
  • EligableApp is a fast, simple, and intuitive way to check health insurance eligibility
  • My Health and Money makes shopping for health care easier by centralizing financial information
  • My Healthon offers coupons and discounts
  • Simplee helps with tracking medical expenses & managing health care costs
  • Zepherella offers convenient electronic patient billing

Modernizing the clinical trial:

  • GoBalto is creating easy to use web products for clinical research
  • TrialX enables patients to find and learn about clinical trials that match their health conditions
  • TrialReach is a search engine for clinical trials

In the cloud:

  • Beyond Lucid Technologies offers first responders real-time information for emergency incident management
  • Cloud Prime provides secure application to application messaging for healthcare
  • eHealthMe is a cloud computing service to study large-scale real world drug outcomes
  • Explorys provides a cloud-computing platform specialized for the healthcare industry
  • HealthHiway focuses on facilitating better interaction within the healthcare ecosystem
  • Humedica provides SaaS-based clinical business intelligence solutions for connecting patient information
  • Nephosity enables collaborative access to medical images, anywhere, anytime on the iPad.

For children and their neurotic parents:

  • alt12 apps‘s Baby Bump keeps soon-to-be parents informed about their pregnancy progress and enables tracking and sharing the experience with friends/family and an online community of moms
  • Baby2.0 is a fun way to keep track of your baby-related activities
  • Evoz allows for remote baby monitoring
  • MotherKnows collects and securely displays important childhood health data including immunizations and growth charts
  • WeSprout combines your child’s medical data with targeted Q&A and charts

For the older crowd:

  • Care At Hand is an iPad based workflow management tool for caregivers
  • eCareDiary is designed to make coordination of care easy amongst family members and other caregivers
  • getminders helps individuals manage and improve their day-to-day health
  • Gilbert Guide is a comprehensive senior housing guide and homecare directory for aging parent

For the ladies:

  • alt12 apps‘s pink pad is a health and lifestyle tracker with an  integrated online community to connect women
  • ChickRx provides expert health information for women
  • DuoFertility is a fertility monitor service
  • Kindara is a fertility charting app for iPhone
  • TrueCycle helps you track your fertility
Sensing stuff:

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